Thrive Women Business
Development Programme

February 11th - March 25th

about collaboration

The UK Embassy in Port of Spain & Women-Owned Media and Education Network

The UK Embassy in Port of Spain has partnered with Women-Owned Media and Education Network (W.O.M.E.N) for the execution of the Thrive Business Development Programme to equip female entrepreneurs with the business knowledge and skills to improve their businesses and their lives. We are excited to harness the creative juices that can skyrocket your growth!

W.O.M.E.N’s mission is to create a platform for women that caters to multi-issues by employing a multi-strategy approach through knowledge and skill-based development, aid programs, counselling, and other services. We want to enable them to have active access to enterprises and employment for self-reliance and thus become more economically sustainable for personal fulfilment. 


Business Idea
Development & Validation

Branding & Marketing

 Business Financing
& Pitching

Experience 100%
Business Development

50 women, ages 18 and above, living in Trinidad and Tobago, will benefit from this 1st cohort of the Thrive Women Business Development Programme

Program Details

All Classes are virtual



You MUST be Passionate and responsible for attending the entire program actively.

Women living in Trinidad and Tobago


Women ages 18 and above


Yes, a certificate would be given


Previous experience in business is attractive but not necessary.


Yes, you need to have an idea that you will be working on throughout the program.


Are you Excited!?

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© 2023, Women-Owned Media and Education Network